REAP | City2Shore Franchise
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(Real Estate Advantage Plan)


The Real Estate Advantage Plan (R.E.A.P) is a revolutionary agent-centered program that turns agents into company stakeholders. Our system lets you and your agents earn passive income by recruiting productive agents into the company. Unlike some other real estate profit sharing programs, the R.E.A.P system is highly predictable. Rather than sharing the leftover profits of your local office, the REAP system compensates you when an agent you recruit closes on a sale. And when that agent recruits another productive agent you are compensated for that as well.

With REAP, agents can net more than 100% of their commissions as their annual REAP share exceeds their commission split every year!


Our REAP system lets you create endless income possibilities that are 100% reliable and predictable. And with our REAP Legacy program, agents can continue to receive income even if they decide to leave real estate. Overall, REAP is a major incentive for your agents to build your business for you while they build a passive income for themselves.

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